This guide is for those beginners who want to paint their exterior in cold weather without making any mistakes and want to achieve the best out of their work.
This guide is best for amateurs who are afraid to paint in cold weather environments.
If you’re a home builder or remodeler who has to paint during the colder months, you may have a new project in mind.
While painting during the summer months can be a bit of a challenge, the cold weather months can be even more difficult.
You are likely to have fewer people around to help, and the products can be more difficult to work with in the cold.
But this doesn’t mean that painting in cold weather can’t be done. There are a few things you can do to make sure that your painting projects get completed.
Exterior Painting in Cold Weather
Prepare the area before you paint
In order to get the most out of our paint you’re going to want to make sure that the area you are working on is as clean as possible before even trying to apply the paint.
You will also want to make sure that the surface that you are painting onto is level and has been checked for cracks, holes, or any other imperfections.
To ensure these aspects we recommend always checking with a professional painter to test for these conditions before starting.
And then prepare your work area in such a way that no liquids can enter into your cleaning workspace.
Because this can lead to false results for example by using a window cleaner solution on an object which is not glass.
And if you do find something unusual during your testing process, let us know and we will give you our best advice on how and where to proceed next!
Remove Mildew
Remove mildew. Mix chlorine bleach and water (1 tsp. bleach to 1 quart water) in a heavy-duty plastic bucket.
Use a scrub brush or old toothbrush, wearing protective equipment (gloves, eye protection, and a mask), to scrub away the mildew on wood siding or any outdoor building surface.
For an outdoor surface, a mix 10% bleach solution for paint removal come in handy when removing excess paint from most surfaces. It also works well at removing mildew stains without strong odors.
Caulk and prime the surface
Caulk around windows, doors, and trim. Scrape away dried the caulk and apply fresh caulk where needed.
Then prime bare wood using the recommended primer by the paint manufacturer or skip priming if you are using self-priming paint.
What cold weather does to exterior paint?
Extreme cold temperatures do not play along with coats of paint.
While the ground may be covered in a delicate dusting of snow and icicles hanging from rooftops, a billowing layer of steam can rise up from freshly-applied paint.
Because the low temperatures make it difficult to apply and smooth on thick layers of different paints.
Water-based paints such as latex are affected by negative temps because water turns into ice when frozen.
On the other hand, oil-based paints will become thicker when exposed to low temperatures; this means it is extremely difficult to make even or smooth applications.
To keep paint from freezing in below-freezing temperatures, you can add an antifreeze chemical which makes them freeze-resistant at recommended levels.
Maintaining a comfortable temperature in your house can be difficult.
On one hand, you’re trying to save money by not heating your home to scorching temperatures, but on the other.
You don’t want the place freezing so cold your fingers twitch trying to turn on light switches.

Often people have separate heaters they use when they only need a little warmth and air coolers when they need it really cold. But what are some easy ways that can help you achieve this?
Can we use frozen paint?
Water-based paints usually hold up alright in the freezer but they won’t last forever!
If a previously frozen water-based paint becomes lumpy or just seems like it’s not mixing right, it may not be usable anymore.
This can happen when that particular batch of paint has lost its ability to emulsify and so it won’t be curing properly.
Paint gets colder than you’d think – water-based paints even at 32 degrees Fahrenheit!
Anything above this temperature will start to form ice crystals which result in a more solid consistency that is nowhere near as smooth as liquid paint.
Any oil-based paints are gonna be much more resistant to this freezing action.
They take anywhere from 2 to 15 days to fully harden but once they do, they’ll keep a lot better in cold weather, so if you live in an area with a lot of winter weather enjoy using them!
Recoat in cold weather
Painting with oil-based paints in a cold environment requires more time than painting during the summer.
These paints dry slower, meaning you’ll have to wait longer before you paint again, otherwise the new layer may get soggy.
It’s best to only paint when the temperature is above 50 degrees Fahrenheit so that wet paint doesn’t freeze before it dries.
The ideal temperature for alkyd/oil-based paints is 75 degrees, but some can take up to 2 days to dry in chilly weather.
We recommend following the manufacturer’s recommendations for re-coating so that you don’t end up being frustrated by your paintings.
Just because it’s bright outside doesn’t mean areas of your structure that are exposed to sunlight will remain the same temperature as areas that are in direct contact with solar radiation!
Differing physical conditions between indoors and outdoors can be a factor when it comes down to drying times and recoating schedules.
Some of best paints for cold environment
Many major paint manufacturers have special paints that are tailor-made for cold weather use.
Most of these paints are rated for temperatures no lower than 30 degrees, so it is best to use one of these paints in such circumstances.
Rather than normal mixes that contain additives for freeze resistance or extra thinning.
You need to be aware of the minimum curing temperature for the paint you intend to use. Don’t put a fresh coat on when the weather is at or below that temperature.
Your project might take longer than expected because it won’t cure as quickly – and even paint that does end up drying may not perform well in lower temperatures.
Contact your local home improvement center or find one online and look for paints specifically designed for freezing climates.
If that’s what you need to complete your project because they are specially formulated so you can use them in colder climates with confidence.
When painting the exterior trim on your house, it’s best to use relatively stiff brushes with nylon, polyester, or Chinex bristles.
They tend to work well with thicker paint.
It’s important to note that the temperature must be slightly above the minimum recommended curing temperature for paint for the entire curing process to take place.
If you apply a coat of paint in 45-degree weather but then the temperature drops to 40 degrees an hour later, it may not cure properly although it will eventually dry.
The temperature of the surface matters the most
When considering the temperature of the outside air when painting a room, think about how much colder it gets on those walls or ceilings.
This is because the paint actually absorbs the cold from around it and that can make greenhouses seem like an ice-skating rink in comparison.
Painters aren’t always lucky enough to deal with perfect 90-degree weather conditions on spring days and warm breezy nights.
Rather than cursing your luck or suffering in cold or hot, ugly weather.
Many painters are using inexpensive infrared thermometers to take the guesswork out of painting in questionable temperatures.
An artistic license will not give you a reprieve from running a paint analysis first before spraying.
The minimum application temperature specified on your paint can relate not only to the air temperature but also to the temperature of the surface to be painted.
Often, the wall or ceiling surface is colder than the air, especially if there is wind. If the air is 55 degrees.
But the wall surface you’re painting is only 40 degrees, it’s as though you’re painting in 40-degree weather.
Track the weather before starting
Though sunny days are generally considered ideal for painting, don’t let that make you think you can never paint in the rain.
Acrylic paints dry quickly, so if you can’t put off a project till tomorrow, fear not! Just make sure to consider drying time before you sit down to a fresh coat of primer or washable paint.
It’s also important to keep your near-future forecasts checked in case persistent fog or rain happens to coincide with your off-the-cuff painting day.
Do a bit of research on the weather in your area during the next few weeks and figure out which days will be the hottest.
Then, choose those days to paint your project to ensure that you get even coverage over all surface areas for optimum results.
Remember there is no point painting on a cold day or even in the shade when it’s freezing because the paint simply won’t dry quickly enough and it’ll end up looking streaky.
Build a bubble
When you’re painting in cold weather, there’s a simple way to keep the temperature up so that you can get your painting done faster.
All you need to do is make a tent out of 4-6 mil plastic sheeting supported by something like 2x4s or zip poles over the area where you’ll be working.
And then use a space heater inside the “tent” to warm the area up to about 70-80 degrees. It works just like an indoor painting booth.
You can save some bucks by heating your area up to 70-80 degrees while you’re in the middle of painting something.
This is done by venting the area to get it up to temperature and then turning off the recirculation fan so as not to circulate any fresh air.
The space heater will then heat the air gradually, thereby achieving a steady temperature throughout the paint job.
Can you paint during cold weather?
Yes, it is possible to paint during cold weather, but there are some precautions that should be taken. The ideal temperature range for painting is between 50 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit.
If the temperature is too cold, the paint may not dry properly, and if it is too hot, the paint may dry too quickly.
Additionally, paint can freeze if the temperature drops below 32 degrees Fahrenheit. If the weather is cold, it is best to wait until temperatures are above freezing before painting.
However, if there are no other options and you must paint in cold weather, you can use a paint additive to slow the drying time.
And use a warm room or use a heater to maintain a temperature suitable for painting.
Can you use exterior paint in cold weather?
Exterior paint can be used in cold weather, but there are some precautions that should be taken to ensure proper application and drying.
The ideal temperature range for painting is between 50 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit.
If the temperature is too cold, the paint may not dry properly, and if it is too hot, the paint may dry too quickly.
Additionally, paint can freeze if the temperature drops below 32 degrees Fahrenheit.
If the weather is cold, it is best to wait until temperatures are above freezing before painting.
However, if there are no other options and you must paint in cold weather.
You can use a paint additive to slow the drying time and use a warm room or use a heater to maintain a temperature suitable for painting.
It’s also important to check the paint can for the manufacturer’s recommendations for the lowest temperature for application and the drying time.
It is also important to protect the paint from moisture and condensation, as the paint can freeze or freeze-thaw cycles can cause the paint to crack or peel.
And also make sure to protect the surface to be painted from wind and rain, as the paint will not adhere properly if the surface is wet.
How long does it take for exterior paint to dry in cold weather?
Exterior paint typically takes longer to dry in cold weather, as the low temperatures can slow down the drying process.
The ideal temperature range for painting is between 50 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit. In temperatures below 50 degrees, the paint will take longer to dry, and it may not dry properly.
In temperatures below freezing, the paint will freeze and should not be used.
Manufacturers generally specify the drying time for their paint, but it can be affected by temperature, humidity, and the type of paint.
Oil-based paints typically take longer to dry than water-based paints, and alkyd or oil-based paints can take as long as 24 hours to dry in cold weather.
Latex or water-based paints can take up to several hours to dry in cold weather.
It is important to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for the lowest temperature for application and the drying time.
To speed up the drying process, you can use a paint additive to slow the drying time and use a warm room or use a heater to maintain a temperature suitable for painting.
It is also important to protect the paint from moisture and condensation, as the paint can freeze or freeze-thaw cycles can cause the paint to crack or peel.
And also make sure to protect the surface to be painted from wind and rain, as the paint will not adhere properly if the surface is wet.
What happens when you paint when it’s too cold?
Painting when it’s too cold can cause a number of issues that can affect the final appearance and durability of the paint.
Some of the problems that can occur when painting in cold weather include:
- Slow drying: Cold weather can slow down the drying process of the paint, making it take longer for the paint to dry and cure. This can lead to issues such as smudging, tracking, and a rough finish.
- Poor adhesion: When the paint is applied to a cold surface, it can have difficulty adhering properly. This can lead to issues such as peeling, cracking, and chalking.
- Reduced paint flow and leveling: Cold weather can cause the paint to thicken, which can make it difficult to apply smoothly. This can lead to issues such as brush marks, roller marks, and an uneven finish.
- Reduced hiding power: Cold weather can cause the paint to dry too quickly, which can make it difficult for the paint to fully cover the surface. This can lead to issues such as a patchy finish and a need for multiple coats.
- Freeze and thaw damage: If the paint is exposed to freezing temperatures or freeze-thaw cycles, it can cause the paint to crack or peel.
It is important to wait until temperatures are above freezing before painting and to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for the lowest temperature for application and the drying time.
To speed up the drying process, you can use a paint additive to slow the drying time and use a warm room or use a heater to maintain a temperature suitable for painting.
What happens if you paint when it’s too cold?
If you paint when it’s too cold, the paint may not dry properly or may become thick and difficult to apply.
Additionally, the low temperature can cause the paint to take longer to dry, which can lead to issues such as brush marks or an uneven finish.
In general, it is best to avoid painting when the temperature is below 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius).
It is also important to note that humidity and airflow also play a factor in drying time and the overall finish of the paint.
Can you paint during cold weather?
It is generally not recommended to paint during cold weather because low temperatures can cause the paint to take longer to dry, which can lead to issues such as brush marks or an uneven finish.
Additionally, the paint may not dry properly or may become thick and difficult to apply when it is too cold.
For oil-based paint, the ideal temperature range is between 50-85°F (10-29°C), and for Latex paint 40-90°F (4-32°C).
It is also important to note that humidity and airflow also play a factor in drying time and the overall finish of the paint.
The best practice is to paint when the temperature is above the recommended range, with low humidity and good ventilation.
FAQ’s of Exterior Painting in Cold Weather
Summary of Exterior Painting in Cold Weather
These were some tips that you should keep in mind while painting exterior surfaces in cold weather
And amateurs should follow each tip explained in this easy-to-understand guide in order to achieve the best results out of their work after completing it.
Still, if you have any confusion regarding exterior painting in cold weather you may ask in the comments section and I make sure that you get your answer in time.
Till next time adios my painter fellas!

Matthew Edward is a professional painter who loves to paint and wants to share useful tips and tricks which he had learned in many years of experience in painting. He also used many products that can be used for painting he has tried and tested each and every product to give an unbias opinion about it in his review. This blog is very useful for those newbies who want to learn painting without making mistakes.