If you do not clean your spray paint can and use it for a long time, the paint will become sticky. This is because the paint has an organic solvent in it that evaporates with time.
So, if you don’t clean and leave the can open, the paint will become sticky because the solvent evaporates.
The best way to ensure that your spray paint doesn’t get sticky is to use the paint quickly after you open the can before the solvent evaporates.
You can also clean the can to remove any paint residue and keep the can closed. This will help the solvent from evaporating.
This is because of the humidity. Spray paint is a solvent-based product, which is also referred to as lacquer. Solvents are hygroscopic.
This simply means that they can absorb water. The higher the humidity, the more likely lacquer products will become sticky. If you spray a few cans, your cans will become sticky very fast.
To make sure you have a smooth application, it is important to make sure all of the cans you are using are at the same temperature.
If you have cans that are in the shade and cans that are in the sun it is best to let you can warm up to room temperature.
Why is my spray paint sticky?
Ways to make spray paint less sticky
To eliminate the stickiness of spray paint, you need to use a primer. The primer will make the surface of the wooden, metal, or other materials.
Which is the first layer of the spray paint bond, thus making it less sticky. You can apply primer with a brush or a roller. Note that the primer layer is very thin.
Shake the can properly
When spray paint is sprayed without being shaken, it produces uneven paint covers. This happens because the paint settles at the bottom of the can.
In order to have an even paint cover, you should shake the can. This will ensure the paints are mixed evenly in the can.
Perfecting first coat
If you really want to reduce the stickiness of spray paint first coat, start with what you could get your hands on. A sound coat of primer will really help you to avoid sticking mistakes.
You can try this using a spray primer; thin coat and sandwich over with a couple of layered coats to form a nice base.
If you are going to use a plastic primer, make sure you mix it up first, then shake well and spray when the nozzle is still.
As a second step, use water-based paint evenly on all surfaces which are not covered with primer. Remember, rushing can cause major errors in the process.
Work slowly and allow the paint to settle. After this, the second coat of primer is recommended before you start painting. This will help you to produce a flat surface that is less likely to stick.
Use talcum powder
Spraying a layer of Talcum powder before spraying paint is a hack that many professional painters and car bodyworkers use for reducing the thickness of spray paint.
Talcum Powder acts as a skin to your wet paint and helps it not stick to the surface. There are many uses of Talcum powder in daily life, and it’s good to know them.
It is a good idea to keep some Talcum powder handy in your car at the time of car paint jobs.
Check humidity and temperature levels
To avoid this from happening, spray your paints outside in fresh air to decrease humidity and temperature.
Spray paints are more likely to leave behind a sticky residue when the temperature is at a level that is too low or too high.
Therefore, it is best to spray your paints on a surface where the temperature is between 50-80 degrees Fahrenheit.
Furthermore, you may also want to try shaking the can before you spray your paints, in order to distribute the paint evenly in the spray.
Additionally, you may also want to consider using a specific spray paint-resistant primer to paint on, as these primers are formulated with the purpose of reducing paint sickness.
Baking soda
First of all, the spray paint should be allowed to dry a little before applying the baking soda. Now you get a rag and dip it into the baking soda.
Wipe off the excess and then gently rub it over the sticky surface. Yes, it will work if you work it gently and fast.
Causes of spray paint sticky
Here are some common causes of spray paint sticky issues which newbies face often in their painting career.
But I have mentioned the fixes above In this post to help those who are caught in this issue.
Nozzle spitting

When using spray paint, oftentimes the nozzle can be blocked or clogged with dried-up paint. If this occurs, simply use a toothpick.
Preferably the one that was included in the box with the spray paint- to push out any blockages and continue using your spray paint!
Most spray paints come with an agitator ball that helps to mix up the product when you shake the can. If you don’t shake it enough.
The paint won’t be thoroughly mixed, and it will come out looking splotchy and messy instead of smooth and even like a real professional would have done it.
Nozzle clogging
Even the best of us sometimes get caught in a spray paint clog.
When using cans of spray paint, you might encounter a problem where the nozzle gets clogged and prevents you from getting any more paint out.
There are several reasons for this, including not shaking the can well enough before spraying, or your paint picking up some particles as it is used.
A quick solution to this problem is to remove the nozzle from the can and place it in lacquer thinners to dissolve away any blockages.
If you run into another spray paint mess-up, swap nozzles with an extra can of paint so that you do not have to waste time by cleaning them off individually!
Applied too much paint
One of the mistakes you could make when putting up wallpaper is to stick on too much of it at once. In some areas, there’s a big smudge, particularly on the edges towards the top.
These areas will take longer to dry than other areas, and if a second lot is put on top of that, then what happens is that the first bit hadn’t been enough time.
To dry properly stick to the bottom layer as it wasn’t finished yet. So, when the second layer goes over, then it makes this mark that is sticky if you touch these bits.
Spray in shade
Working in a cool, shady area or waiting for the sun to go down is always a good idea when it comes down to spray paint.
Painting on plastic surfaces can also affect their pliability depending on whether the weather’s warm or colder.
Using heat-sensitive paint products can cause problems with texture and take longer than usual to dry.
So make sure you’re wearing something that has some shade and use cold-weather paints when possible since they tend to work with plastic surfaces much better than hot-weather paints.
So be careful choosing where you’ll take your spray-painting session. You don’t want to overheat or in any way, risk damaging the plasticizers in your paint cans.
So it’s best to avoid direct sunlight, where the temperature can easily climb as hot as 150° F when doing painting in the summertime.
What do you do when spray paint is sticky?
If spray paint is sticky, one potential solution is to use a spray paint degreaser or a gentle solvent, such as rubbing alcohol or mineral spirits, to clean the surface.
It is important to test the solvent on a small, inconspicuous area first to ensure it does not damage the underlying material.
After cleaning, the surface should be allowed to dry completely before applying any additional paint or sealant.
What does it mean if spray paint dries sticky?
If spray paint dries sticky, it could mean that the paint did not cure properly. This can happen for a variety of reasons, such as:
- The surface being painted was not clean or dry before application.
- The paint was applied in humid or damp conditions.
- The paint was applied in too thick of a coat.
- The paint was not given enough time to dry between coats.
Another possibility is that the paint you used is not designed for the surface you applied it on, and it’s not adhering well to the surface.
In this case, you may need to remove the paint and start over with paint that is more appropriate for the surface.
It’s also possible that the can of spray paint is faulty, and it’s not spraying the paint properly.
In any case, it is best to consult the manufacturer’s instructions or consult a professional to determine the best course of action.
Will tacky spray paint eventually dry?
In some cases, tacky spray paint will eventually dry. However, the amount of time it takes for the paint to dry can vary depending on the conditions, such as humidity and temperature.
It could take hours, days, or even weeks for the paint to dry completely.
It’s also possible that the paint will never fully dry and will remain tacky indefinitely.
This can happen when the paint was not applied correctly or the surface was not properly prepared before painting.
It’s important to check the manufacturer’s instructions for drying time and to make sure that the surface is clean, dry, and free of any oils or contaminants before applying the spray paint.
If the paint is not drying properly, it is best to remove the paint and start over with a new coat or a different type of paint that is more appropriate for the surface.
How do you harden sticky paint?
There are a few ways to try to harden sticky paint:
- Allow more time for the paint to dry: Give the paint enough time to dry completely before applying additional coats or before using the painted item.
- Use a paint hardener: Some paint hardeners can be added to the paint to help it dry faster and harder. These hardeners can be found at most paint and hardware stores. Be sure to read and follow the manufacturer’s instructions when using a paint hardener.
- Increase ventilation: If the paint is sticky due to humidity, try increasing ventilation in the room where the paint is drying. This can help to reduce the humidity and allow the paint to dry more quickly.
- Apply a clear coat: Once the paint has dried, you can apply a clear coat of polyurethane or a similar sealant to give the paint a hard, durable finish.
- Sand the surface: If the surface is sticky and it doesn’t dry completely after a long time, try to sand it lightly with fine sandpaper, this will also help to remove any roughness and unevenness on the surface that may have been caused by the tacky paint.
It’s important to remember that if the paint is not drying properly, it may be because it is not suitable for the surface you are trying to paint.
In this case, it may be best to remove the paint and start over with a different type of paint that is more appropriate for the surface.
FAQ’s of Why is my spray paint sticky
Conclusion on Why is my spray paint sticky
I have written this post with the main causes of the spray paint sticky issue.
And the methods to solve this issue that newbies might face during the painting process of their own projects or their client’s projects.
But don’t worry this post will help you to fix this issue. Don’t hesitate to comment on your queries that might arise in your mind.

Matthew Edward is a professional painter who loves to paint and wants to share useful tips and tricks which he had learned in many years of experience in painting. He also used many products that can be used for painting he has tried and tested each and every product to give an unbias opinion about it in his review. This blog is very useful for those newbies who want to learn painting without making mistakes.