When building a house or renovating a house, everyone most often pays attention to something more global, like puttying or painting the walls, covering the roof, windows, and so on, and only in the last place do they think about exterior trim.
In fact, you need to think about trim in advance, because the final appearance of your home depends on it. People immediately pay attention to this, because it gives style to the house, so you should know how to paint azek trim.
In addition to the aesthetic side, trim also performs a protective function against moisture absorption, which keeps the walls from fiber cement siding from all kinds of moisture damage, if we say about trim boards.
Azek trim and wood trim: difference
Azek trim looks like wood and lasts almost forever.
Pvc trim – is impervious to rot insects, mold and moisture. It holds paint well, because water cannot penetrate the material behind the painted azek.
Many owners are thinking about choosing a material to decorate their homes, so many cannot decide whether to use azek pvc trim or prefer to check out materials such as pine.
In this article you will find out if you need to paint azek materials or if it doesn’t require painting; what to know and what to prepare to paint azek trim; what material to use to paint azek trim; how to choose paint fot painting azek materials, what color paint to buy and which paint company to choose; how to care for a painted azek products.
Is it difficult to paint an azek yourself?
No, it’s absolutely easy to do. Painting takes little time and effort. You just need to know all the nuances, but you don’t have to worry about that anymore, after reading this article you will know everything.
So you can get to work after reading it.

What not paint pvc trim can lead to?
Azek trim boards are not subject to decay, resistant to moisture and insect infestation, but if it is not painted, these properties will be preserved for a shorter period of time, than normal handing pvc trim.
Pvc trim is from white color vinyl and this can suit many owners, white can fit many interior options, but over time it may not look very attractive, fingerprints, scratches, dust, dirt, appeal the direct sunlight – all this is visible on untreated azek trim. Fully cure depending on quality means, but you can’t achieve a paramount look.
In the course of attaching pvc trim, there are nail holes different mold. After the work, many contractors leave nail holes or plug system after installation, which then need to caulk with special azek materials recommended by the manufacturer Azek or qualified contractors: glue, primer, filler. If don’t want to have nail holes in the pvc trim, you will need to caulk them.
How to paint azek trim
First you need to properly prepare before painting of exterior.
Before you will paint azek or prime, it is necessary to wipe off trim. Use special azek products, that are designed for painting pvc azek trim boards.
Even if at pvc trim no dirt, don’t skip this step before painting, it’s important, because it determines, how the paint will lay on pvc trim.
Understand, that it is not necessary exterior applications, the manufacturers Azek claim, that their product absolutely calmly withstands all weather conditions, but in any case, painting never hurts.
Exterior application of pvc trim will be a kind of insurance, that is as durable product as pvc trim will only prolong the trim’s existence in its best condition.
If you decide to paint pvc trim avoid paint failure in the future, however, you need to know the following:
Does you need to use primer before painting?
Manufacturers Azek say, that trim doesn’t need to require paint, but if you use primer, it would only be a plus. Azek has excellent adhesion, so paint can bond to it properly without a topcoat.

How many coats of paint to apply and how long will it take to dry?
Since the trim doesn’t require paint, one thin fresh coat on the exterior will be enough, using paintpro technology, which will dry and become dense for about a month, since the trim does not azek material absorbs moisture, the paint will dry longer to avoid paint failure. Azek products hold paint very well.
Dries azek surface longer, than a wood surface, but it also lasts longer in the future with the condition of normal handling.
Selection of paint for pvc trim and should I use paint with light reflective value lrv?
About the color we will talk a little later, pay attention to it, because it is a very important point.
Manufacturers Azek recommend 100 acrylic latex paint by quality manufacturer.
For example, one of the best paint company is Sherwin Williams (by the way, 100 percent acrylic latex paint is the highest quality of latex paint and is the most durable) and make sure 100 acrylic latex paint has a light reflective value lrv 55 or higher. It is also better to choose a paint, that is safe for vinyl (polyvinyl chloride) and pvc trim.
I did not mention the company Sherwin Williams for nothing, this is not an advertisement, but a recommendation, because you will not find more durable and high-quality paints anywhere else as in the range of the company Sherwin Williams.
What color should I choose to paint pvc trim: dark or light?
The color option of paint azek product depends on the material chosen, but if your choice is azek pvc trim, then use of dark colors of 100 acrylic latex paint is not possible, only light color, because for painting azek trim, you need light colors.
Azek material is plastic, and the condition of plastic products depends on the temperature, so it is very important to use light custom colors, because as you know, the darker colors adjacent more heat and uv rays, and therefore the destruction from the uv rays of the pvc trim will be greater.
Many people doing repairs and looking for paint for painting wood or azek trim, face the problem of color selection, because many paints companies do not have a large enough assortment of paints colors, so you can’t find the exact paints colors, that would be perfect for the design of your home.
If you are faced with such a problem, look at the company Sherwin Williams range of paints, I am sure you will find what you are looking for.

Is pvc trim rot-resistant?
In addition azek products to being waterproof and rot-resistant, pvc trim and another pvc trim is impervious to damage from termites, carpenter bees or other wood insects, and it’s naturally antimicrobial and mold-resistant.
Is it worth choosing an azek?
After reading the article, you couldn’t help but notice how many pros were listed, so hopefully you have drawn conclusions.
Obviously, azek deserves special attention. If you’re looking for a combination of good material, then take a look at azek and consider buying it.
I assure you, you will not find a more comfortable to care for and a great looking product.
Do I need special care for azek trim?
No, this product is made of special materials and by special technology, that it is protected from any external factors, and if it to paint, then there is nothing to worry about.
It doesn’t need any care, the most you can do is to wipe the trim from time to time.
Can I wash pvc trim after paint azek?
Does not low maintenance care, but for the aesthetic appearance of course it is necessary to wipe it sometimes, and it is not just possible, but necessary to do.
You can remove the dirt from painted surface, that accumulates, where there are areas of high traffic areas of cars, also dirt can be from rain, wind, respectively dust.
What I can use, when washing the azek trim?
The surface does not absorb moisture like wood, so you can use soapy water, by the way you can also use it to remove unnecessary materials, such as glue, after installation, but the best way to do this is with a denatured alcohol containing, be careful, that the product is not highly concentrated by denatured alcohol and does not spoil the trim.
How long can an azek last?
Azek materials are made of quality materials, so they last a very long time, they have a lot of positive aspects, which is why homeowners often choose them. To paint pvc trim is not necessary, but if you paint them, the azek trims will last even longer.
I recommend choosing azek materials, because they really do last almost forever, as well as they have a lot of positive reviews, that confirm it.
Why is Azek so expensive?
Azek is not that expensive, you just have to be able to compare price and quality.
Azek has very high quality products and materials, so the price is appropriate. You can buy cheap products, but they will not last more, than a year. Azek, on the other hand, is guaranteed to last for many years.
Before you get scared of the price, you should consider the quality, and then the price will seem more than adequate.
Of course, if you take into account the cost of paint, primer and everything else, the amount will be a little more, but a quality repair has never been cheap.
After reading this article, I hope, you have found the answers to all your questions, that have arisen at the mere thought of painting azek material.
It is not difficult to paint azek materials, because they do not require any special techniques, just properly selected materials and paint, and compliance with all the recommendations in working with azek products.
I have tried as clearly as possible to tell all the nuances how to paint azek, the proposed tips will help you to paint the trim and eventually get a neatly painted trim, which will complement the design of the house.
The appearance of the house is, so to speak, the face of the owners, so keep on the condition of the walls and trims, but to keep them looking good for longer, you need to know how to install and paint them properly from the beginning.
Best of luck with your interior design!

Matthew Edward is a professional painter who loves to paint and wants to share useful tips and tricks which he had learned in many years of experience in painting. He also used many products that can be used for painting he has tried and tested each and every product to give an unbias opinion about it in his review. This blog is very useful for those newbies who want to learn painting without making mistakes.