Today I will teach you how to make a galaxy with the help of spray paints. This guide will be really helpful for newbies and newcomers in this field.
A very easy-to-understand step-by-step guide When I was in college and had to come up with projects for class, I painted a handful of works with oils.
While some people may think of it as an outdated medium, I loved how each stroke on the canvas told a different story.
Sadly though, after high school my interest in painting waned, and when I learned that there are ways to make your own art without any training.
Like spray paint art – the idea of painting on walls excited me all over again!
The techniques seemed quite unique and the possibilities for spray paint art looked endless! It seemed like anyone could do it given time.
How to do spray paint art?
Setting up the canvas in a ventilated area
It’s better to paint outside or in an open airy-area so that all of your paint fumes are kept from lingering indoors.
If you’re working inside, open windows and set up a box fan to blow the air around.
Now select a safe place for painting
Select a safe, legal place to paint if you want to display your work. Look for some empty walls in your area that could serve as a potential canvas for your art.
As it is illegal to spray-paint over someone’s property (regardless of whether or not there’s permission).
Be sure that what you’re painting won’t offend them – or make them think they have to redecorate!
If people are trying to make a living with their own business and you do this, well, the unforgiving consequences are likely to catch up with you at some point or another.
Protecting surroundings
Cover the surrounding area with a drop cloth or plastic. Painters take care of your surroundings!
Whether you’re working indoors or outdoors, protect your surroundings from stray splashes of paint by laying large sections of drop cloth.
Or plastic sheeting across the ground and surrounding walls.
Secure these protective cloths and sheeting in place with strips of painter’s tape so these items don’t shift around while you’re working.
Tools that you need
- Use a respirator mask if you do a lot of painting or some paintwork. This will be really helpful to protect you from fumes and dangerous chemicals.
- You will be needing spray paints to make your desired design on the wall or on canvas. I use Rust-Oleum painter’s touch, as you know I discuss Rust company spray paints very often. Because they are reliable and very handy to use.
- You should have poster boards and should be glossy side
- You can use cans, lids, or plastic pots to make a round shape. It must have a hollow side to that it does not touch the paint when placed on the painting, If it does then It will create a mess.
- Newspaper for making designs
- And also, you must have protective gear like gloves, a mask, and a proper paint suit
Protecting gear
Protect your skin and clothes by wearing gloves and old clothing.
If your work clothes are stained or dirty, wear an old pair of shoes. To keep paint off of your skin, cover it with a pair of work gloves.
Mask up! In order to prevent yourself from inhaling toxic paint fumes, always put on proper protection.
If you don’t already have a respirator mask handy, pick up some sort of safety or breathing mask.
And make sure it covers your nose and mouth completely before doing any painting with sprays.

Using newspaper or foil
Don’t let newspapers and magazines destined for the recycling bin go to waste.
Rip out a few sheets of newsprint or aluminum foil that can be used to add fun textures to your spray paint art projects without spending any extra cash.
If you don’t have any newsprint or aluminum foil handy, simply recycle your old papers and magazines by ripping out old issues to use as unique applications at another time.
Start making galaxy design
Select a new color scheme for your Tiny Planets. Choose 3-4 fun colors to use for your planets.
Depending on your overall design, you can also select a combination of rich, warm tones or cool and neutral hues to create a striking, vibrant design for the planets in your galaxy!
Once you’ve picked out a color scheme, simply purchase some spray paint from an art supply store.
Make an outline of the planets
Secure a round object to your painting space.
Use tape and outline where the planets should go when you’re aiming for an expansive piece as if for example you were outlining the border between countries on a map.
If you have multiple of these items lying around, don’t hesitate to tape them down if you’re aiming for multiple planets!
To make the outline definite, paint around the item and use it as a guide to draw planets.
Spraying lines to make outline round
When it comes to creating unique backgrounds, one of the options you have is by using spray paint.
To make a somewhat abstract background, you’ll want to start by spraying 3-4 lines of color in a circular shape.
Select your preferred main color and apply a straight line along the bottom of your empty circle.
Layer another line of color on top of this lower section using a different shade of spray paint.
Covering the colorful lines
Cover your colorful lines with a layer of white spray paint. Apply any color you choose to the surface of your planet and allow it to dry thoroughly.
Don’t worry about making this layer consistent; instead, just focus on covering your multicolored stripes of paint.
Shading the bottom
Paint the bottom ⅓ of the circle with black spray paint.
Use a black can of spray paint, which can be found at a hardware store or an art store, and start spraying a curved line on the bottom half of your circular card base.
Seal it by applying thick layers of this dark paint over it – since these will create shadows for our planet later on.
Using wrinkled paper
Give your painted planet texture by adding crumpled wrinkled paper. Take a piece of newspaper, magazine, or foil and crumple it in your hands.
After unwrapping the paper, place it onto the wet paint. Gently press the sheet into place so that you can see spots where you pressed down on the paper.
After pushing the new wrinkly paint into place using your fingertips, pinch the edges of the paper or foil.
And carefully remove it from your planet’s surface. Just like removing wax paper from cookies!

Let the paint dry
Wait 5-10 minutes for the paint to dry. Get a timer for at least 5 minutes and set it to remind you when the various layers of spray paint have dried enough that they are not dripping wet.
Don’t expect them to dry completely—just wait until they are no longer damp or wet.
Covering your planet with round item
Protect the planet by covering it with a round filter. Use the filter previously used to protect your earth.
Paint on top of this layer with two different colors: light yellow, and sunny yellow, and pick as many other colors as you want as long as they have at least one color in common (yellow).
Once you have done that proceed with the next step: add another filter on top of this last step’s painting but make sure it is not transparent (you can use green instead of orange).
And cover it up like before but don’t forget to secure it using some painter’s tape or another image nailing surface.
Spraying black around the planets
You can make a black night sky if you use a torch to paint over the planet.
Use any black color and spray it evenly on the planet also do this around the edges of your plate or disk too. It should look like space now because no colors are visible.
A streak of metallic paint
To make your starry night more stunning, paint a streak of metallic paint.
Choose a shiny color that matches your overall scheme, like turquoise, gold, or silver. Spray it diagonally next to one of the planets you already covered with gold spray paint.
Making a scattered star effect
To create a scattered star effect, flick white paint across your canvas.
To create a thicker layer of paint on your pointer and middle fingertips, spritz a generous amount of white paint onto both fingers and flick off the excess.
Next, extend your fingers out at different distances from the canvas with pointed tips and flicking motions to scatter white flecks of paint across the canvas in an irregular pattern.
Repeat this process all over the canvas until you achieve a traditional starry sky look.
Other designs
Making checkered effect design
When laying out your art for display, why not consider using a strip of canvas painted like a checkerboard?
First, hang a white shelf liner from an overhang or wall-mounted picture hanger.
Next, paint the walls of the shelf liner with alternating colors and apply painter’s tape over each section before spraying it with paint in the desired pattern!
When you are done painting, leave the shelf liner to dry and then remove it to reveal a colorful mural that can quickly be installed on any wall in your home or apartment.
Making custom shapes with tap
Design custom shapes with strips of painter’s tape. Cut out various pieces of masking or painter’s tape and arrange them along with your canvas in a unique pattern.
Once you’ve placed your strips of tape over the canvas.
Apply a thick layer of spray paint around the edges by holding up the can about 8-12 inches away from the canvas and moving it in a circular motion to cover a good surface area.
Finally, rip off the painter’s tape to reveal a sharp, sleek design!
Spraying over a paper cut-out
Spray painting over a paper cut-out can create a cool shadow mural.
Sketch out a unique pattern or design on a giant piece of white or light cardboard, like making some kind of a plant, animal, or person.
Cut out the design using scissors to make yourself a stencil that you can stick onto your wall. O
nce this is done, spray over the stencil with an entire can of blue spray paint and let it sit for at least half an hour.
After this time has passed, simply pull off the stencil and now you’re left with beautiful artwork.
Making brick background
To create this design, take a lot of very long pieces of tape and place them side by side so that you have one long strip.
After you have this one large strip take several smaller pieces and place them between the larger strips.
Alternate between having large pieces and then small pieces until you have “brick-like” rows.
Then spray red paint on the surface but make sure to spray mostly red on the bottom left corner because that is where your eye would first see a brick background.
Cutting out a paper heart
Cut out a heart. Trace it onto printer paper and use it as a stencil. Cut around the heart shape with scissors and remove, keeping the edges of the stencil line.
Place the flat paper on a table and spray paint through the heart stencil to make fun shapes.
Let the designs dry
Wait one day for your project to dry before removing any plastic covers. You should allow 1-day drying time altogether before moving on to the next step.
The best way to go about this is to keep a daily log in order to provide ample time between paints and pads (if you choose them).
After the last layer of paint and sealant has dried, leave all surfaces covered until then.
You can remove whatever plastic covering is at least 24 hours later or once there have been no additional layers applied since.
How do you make spray paint designs?
To make spray paint designs, you will need:
- Spray paint cans in the colors of your choice
- A surface to paint on (such as a canvas, wall, or piece of paper)
- Masking tape or stencils (optional, for creating clean lines and shapes)
- Prepare your surface: Make sure the surface is clean and dry before you begin. If you are painting on a wall or other large surface, consider covering the surrounding area with plastic or newspapers to protect it from overspray.
- Create a design: You can either freehand your design or use stencils or masking tape to create clean lines and shapes.
- Apply the paint: Shake the spray paint cans well before using them. Hold the can about 12 inches away from the surface and spray in a sweeping motion. Move the can back and forth as you spray to achieve an even coat of paint. You can use multiple colors to create a multilayer design.
- Allow the paint to dry completely before removing any stencils or masking tape, and before using or displaying the painted surface.
- Practice your skills, explore different techniques and enjoy the process!
What kind of paint do you use for spray paint art?
There are several types of paint that can be used for spray paint art, including:
- Acrylic spray paint: This is a water-based paint that dries quickly and is available in a wide range of colors. It is suitable for use on a variety of surfaces, including canvas, paper, and wood.
- Enamel spray paint: This is an oil-based paint that has a glossy finish and is resistant to chipping and fading. It is commonly used for painting metal and plastic surfaces.
- Lacquer spray paint: This is a fast-drying paint that is suitable for use on wood, metal, and plastic. It produces a high-gloss finish and is also resistant to chipping and fading.
- Chalk spray paint: This is a water-based paint that is suitable for use on porous surfaces such as wood, concrete, and brick. It produces a matte finish and is easy to distress for a vintage look.
Ultimately, the type of paint you choose will depend on the surface you are working on, the look you are trying to achieve, and your personal preference.
Some artists prefer to use only one type of paint, while others like to experiment with different types and brands.
How difficult is spray paint art?
Spray paint art can be challenging, especially for those who are new to it. It requires a certain level of skill and practice to achieve the desired results.
Here are a few challenges that you may encounter while creating spray paint art:
- Control: One of the biggest challenges when using spray paint is having control over the amount and direction of paint that is being applied. It takes practice to learn how to hold the can, how far away to hold it from the surface, and how to move it to achieve an even coat of paint.
- Layering: Creating different layers and shades is an important aspect of spray paint art. This can be challenging as it requires precision and patience to apply each layer without smudging or overpainting the previous one.
- Surface preparation: It’s important to ensure that the surface you’re working on is clean, dry, and smooth before starting to paint. This can be a difficult task, especially if the surface is large or uneven.
- Cleanup: Spray paint can be messy, and it’s important to properly clean up after finishing your artwork. This can include cleaning the surface, tools, and hands, as well as properly disposing of any cans and paint waste.
Overall, spray paint art is a fun and creative way to express yourself, but it takes time and patience to master the techniques and learn how to control the paint.
With practice and perseverance, you can create beautiful and unique artwork.
FAQ’s of How to do spray paint art
Verdict on How to do spray paint art
Here are some step-by-step guides to making different designs with the help of spray paint which I have learned over the course of years.
I have explained each and every step in a very easy way for newcomers in this field.
If still, you find any confusion in following these steps then do let me know in the comments section I will try to solve your query as soon as possible and in simple words.

Matthew Edward is a professional painter who loves to paint and wants to share useful tips and tricks which he had learned in many years of experience in painting. He also used many products that can be used for painting he has tried and tested each and every product to give an unbias opinion about it in his review. This blog is very useful for those newbies who want to learn painting without making mistakes.