In this guide I will teach you the complete guide to unfreeze your paint and identify if it can be useable or not.
And also, I will be explaining if paint can be frozen and still used for painting purposes.
This guide will cover all the aspects and it will be very useful for new guys coming in this field or for those people who only just want to gain some information regarding this topic.
Have you ever discovered that a container of expensive paint had frozen overnight?
Maybe it left you wondering if there is any way to reuse the frozen paint. In this article, I will share a few ideas about reusing frozen paint.
Can paint freeze and still be used?
Thawing frozen paint
Before you can tell if the consistency is off, you need to thaw the paint. The best way to do this is to bring the can inside.
Wait at room temperature. It’s tempting to grab a hairdryer, space heater or another source of heat but a gradual thaw is your best chance at salvaging the paint.
Checking the paint
Stir the paint well once it’s completely thawed. It might be an idea to take your paint to a paint store so that you can be double-sure that there are no lumps in the mix, baby!
The first test is a visual check of the consistency of the paint.
This means checking its appearance and pointing out any obvious hints of graininess or clumping.
If you don’t notice anything blatantly wrong with the look of it, inspect the paint a little closer to make sure there are no weird stringy bits. Fishy? Nope. Stringy? Okay, time to start again!
Test the consistency of your dry paint by taking a knife, dish, or scraper and scraping a bit of paint on a tile or sheet of glass.
If you see thin flakes and shavings, chances are it’s too thin and it won’t have a nice finish once applied to your projects.
If you see clumps: don’t apply paint containing those clumps when you are making your project! You may waste time and money trying to fix the problem with these paints.
A good way to assure that this doesn’t happen is to pre-mix the paints before using them, which will help any potential lumps disappear during stirring/mixing.
Tips to store paint for later use
There are several techniques that you can use to store your paint for future use. The most important thing that you should do is to prevent the paint from sunlight.
If you leave it on the shelf, it will lose its quality after some time.
You should keep the paint in a dark room. In case you have bought big cans of paint, remember to turn the cans upside down after use.
It will be good to mix the used paint with water so that the paint can be used again.
Stir the frozen paint
You can stir the frozen paint by using a drill and stirring with a soft wire brush.
This is a slow and laborious process, and not environmentally friendly. You need to have a freezer with very dry air.
If you’ve allowed your frozen paint to thaw and noticed what appears to be clumped in your formerly perfectly smooth liquid, then stir before starting again from scratch.
It might be pointless, but you never know if it’ll work.

You won’t know until you try, will ye? No swearing!
Depending on how large the clumps are, or how cold the paint is when you add water, this could take upwards of 15 minutes per jar.
Test the thawed paint on cardboard or testing surface
You should never paint a wall with frozen paint without first going over it on some wood. The wood can get that really horrible paint job, whereas the wall may just be fine.
You’re obviously going to test the surface before doing the real thing. This is an important step in making sure you don’t end up with a massive disaster on your hands (literally).
I try to make sure that our paint is always the highest quality, but sometimes a bad batch might slip through.
Before you apply it to an important project, we would highly recommend testing it out first. Sometimes frozen paint might look like it’s perfectly fine when it may not be.
How to unfreeze paint?
If you have paint in a can that is frozen, you have a couple of options. The first, and most popular, is to bring a pot of hot water to a boil and pour it in the paint.
This way, the water will force the air to leave the can and will melt the paint.
This can take quite a while though, and can also cause the can to become damaged in the process.
Another good way is to put the can in a warm place like on top of the dryer or in front of a space heater.
If you do this, you should shake the can frequently so that the paint can melt and then run right out of the can. This is the quickest way and works best if you want to salvage your paint.
How to prevent the paint from freezing?
When a gallon of paint freezes, it expands, which can cause the lid to pop off.
The best way to prevent the lid from popping off when the paint thaws are to stir the paint. Get a non-metal object, like a plastic spoon, and insert it into the paint can.
Move the paint with the spoon, and then pull it out. Once the paint starts to thaw, it should be good to go.
If you don’t have a non-metal object to move the paint, then use a metal object, like a screwdriver, and only stir it enough to break up any ice chunks.
This will minimize the amount of air you’re introducing into the paint.
The best way to keep your paint from freezing when the temperature drops during the winter is to create a space where you can store it.
If you have a garage, then that’s the best place to store it. You can keep it in a heated space either on its own or with other items like tools.
Buckets of paint can be messy, give off fumes and take up valuable room.
The following ideas help you save time and money while keeping your paint from freezing by allowing you to use it before the season ends:
Use the paint before winter
Having unwanted paint in your home can be a waste of money if winter has arrived and you still have that old paint.
And if you won’t use up that unused paint before it expires, then just throw it away when you realize you wouldn’t really need to use it right now!
Expiration dates may vary based on the brand though. But it’s still better not to store out-of-date paints at home.
Is paint ruined if it freezes?
Paint can be ruined if it freezes. Freezing causes the ingredients in the paint to separate and can result in the paint becoming thick and unusable.
If the paint has frozen, it should be discarded and not used. If the paint is in a metal can, the can may have expanded and the paint should be thrown away even if it has not frozen.
How cold can paint get before it’s ruined?
The freezing point of paint can vary depending on the type of paint and the ingredients used to make it.
Latex paint, for example, can typically withstand temperatures down to around 32°F (0°C) before it begins to freeze and become unusable.
Oil-based paints, on the other hand, can typically withstand lower temperatures without freezing.
However, it is recommended to store paint at temperatures above 50 °F (10 °C) to ensure the paint can be easily mixed and applied and that it lasts as long as possible.
How do you make old paint usable again?
Old paint that has become thick or lumpy can sometimes be made usable again by following these steps:
- Stir the paint thoroughly to break up any lumps and mix the ingredients back together.
- If the paint is still too thick, you can add a paint thinner or paint conditioner to it. These products are specifically designed to make the paint more usable again.
- If the paint is too thin, you can thicken it by adding a paint extender or paint thickener.
- Once you have the paint consistency you want, it is important to thoroughly mix it again.
It’s worth noting that if the paint has been frozen, or if they can or paint container is rusted or damaged, the paint should be discarded.
Also, it’s important to always test the paint before using it to make sure that the color and finish are still acceptable.
Is acrylic paint usable after it freezes?
Acrylic paint can freeze, but it can still be usable after it thaws. Freezing can cause the paint to separate and thicken, but it can be re-stirred and used again after it has thawed.
However, it is important to note that freezing and thawing multiple times can cause the paint to deteriorate and lose its quality, so it is best to avoid freezing acrylic paint if possible.
Summary of can paint freeze and still used
Hopefully, you have learned that can paint freeze and use it again. There are some things to consider before you attempt to freeze paint.
As long as you are aware of these considerations and you are able to avoid them, then you should be able to use paint that has been frozen.
Comment down your queries and I will answer them as first priority.

Matthew Edward is a professional painter who loves to paint and wants to share useful tips and tricks which he had learned in many years of experience in painting. He also used many products that can be used for painting he has tried and tested each and every product to give an unbias opinion about it in his review. This blog is very useful for those newbies who want to learn painting without making mistakes.