A kitchen is a busy place. More than any other room in the house, the kitchen gets used. And used so much that it usually gets pretty worn down.
If a kitchen gets too worn down, then it becomes more of a liability than an investment.
If your kitchen is looking like this, then it is time to think about remodeling it with the help of a painting service. This guide will look at the benefits of repainting kitchen cabinets.
Today I will teach you guys the complete method with a step-by-step guide to spray paint kitchen cabinets.
After completing you will get the results that you want after completing the paint job on the cabinets.
So, Amateurs are requested to follow each step explained in this guide because it is very easy to understand and easy to apply able.
This guide is solely based on my own experience which I got from my painting career.
I have tested these methods which I will mention in this guide and today here with you I will share all of these steps.
How to spray paint kitchen cabinet?
Repair the kitchen cabinets
When you want to paint or varnish your kitchen cabinet, there’s always a concern that you need to take care of any cracks, scratches, or dents first.
The surface must be smooth and clean before you can use your paint to cover it.
Clean kitchen cabinets before the spray painting process
If you are planning to paint your kitchen cabinets, you will want to make sure they are clean and free of any dirt, grease, and grime before you start.
This will help prolong the life of the paint job, and will also protect you against breathing in any harmful fumes. Below, I will outline the process that I use to clean my cabinets.
If you are planning on repainting your kitchen cabinets, I would highly recommend getting a professional painter to do this job for you.
You will need time, patience, and a bit of elbow grease to complete the job if you can do the job by yourself.
It’s quite simple to clean those Cabinets. All you need to do is mix equal amounts of vinegar and water in a bowl.
Apply the mixture to the cabinets. Leave it for some time and then wipe it off with a dry cloth.

Sand the surface
Spray painting is a high-quality and cost-effective way to paint kitchen cabinets. Before you can spray paint cabinets, you must first sand them.
Sanding cabinets is a repetitive but necessary task. You sand cabinets with very fine sandpaper to smooth all imperfections and irregularities.
If you do not properly sand cabinets, the paint will not adhere as smoothly and will likely flake or peel.
You start sanding cabinets by making sure they are clean and removing all oil and grease, and then you sand them with coarse sandpaper.
This removes anything that you might miss otherwise. Then, you repeat the process with fine sandpaper to ensure that the surface is smooth, level, and absolutely free of all imperfections.
Apply primer on kitchen cabinets
You need to make sure that the surface is completely clean and grease-free. You should also sand down the surface to remove any peeling paint or imperfections.
Then prime the surface. Sand again after the primer dries out.
It is better to use a water-based primer if you are spray painting steel cabinets. You can also use a primer that includes latex.
This will help the surface to take in the paint better. After you have primed it, you should then wait for it to dry completely.
You can also use an undercoating spray or paint to protect the surface from future wear and tear.
If you are painting the cabinets, you will have to get spray paint that is made for that particular material.
Spray paint kitchen cabinets
While the primer is still wet, make sure you remove the caps on your paint cans and line them up for easy access once your first coat of paint has dried.
Also, make sure you have a drop sheet in place to catch any spray that may happen before you get started.
Ideally, continue using the spraying technique that you developed while applying primer so as not to make too much paint buildup on your cabinets.
With the single-stroke technique, spray from a distance by holding the nozzle at least 2 inches away from the surface, being sure to keep it perpendicular to avoid dripping.
After applying two coats of paint over one-weekend shock will most likely begin peeling back but allow things at least 24 hours between coats.
Or else this will also be pulled back off with your furniture! Use a lightly dampened cloth and gently rub back down.
Is it better to brush or spray paint kitchen cabinets?
There are pros and cons to both brushing and spraying kitchen cabinets. Brushing allows for greater control and precision, and it is easier to fix mistakes.
However, brushing can be time-consuming and can result in brush marks.
Spraying produces a smooth and even finish, but it can be difficult to get good results without professional equipment and experience.
If you are not comfortable with either method, it may be best to hire a professional to paint your kitchen cabinets.
What kind of paint do you use to spray kitchen cabinets?
There are several types of paint that can be used to spray kitchen cabinets, including latex paint, oil-based paint, and lacquer.
Latex paint is a popular choice because it is water-based, easy to clean up, and has low levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
Oil-based paint is also an option, but it is more difficult to clean up and has higher VOC levels.
Lacquer is a type of paint that dries to a hard, glossy finish, but it can be difficult to work with and should only be used by experienced professionals.
It is important to choose a paint that is specifically designed for use on kitchen cabinets, as it needs to be able to withstand the heat, moisture, and grease that are common in kitchen environments.
Is it better to spray or roll cabinet paint?
Both spraying and rolling can be effective methods for painting kitchen cabinets.
Spraying allows for a smooth and even finish, but it requires specialized equipment and can be more time-consuming to set up and clean up.
Rolling is a faster and simpler method, and it can be done with a paint roller or a paint pad.
However, rolling can result in a slightly textured finish and may not produce the same level of smoothness as spraying.
Ultimately, the best method for painting kitchen cabinets will depend on your specific needs and preferences.
If you want a very smooth and professional-looking finish, spraying may be the better option.
If you are working on a tight budget or timeline, or if you simply prefer the simplicity of rolling, this method may be more suitable.
It is also worth considering whether you have the necessary equipment and experience to effectively use a paint sprayer.
If you are unsure which method to use, it may be helpful to consult with a professional painter or do some research online to determine the best approach for your project.
Can you spray cabinets without sanding?
Yes, it is possible to spray paint cabinets without sanding them first, but it is not necessarily the best approach.
Sanding the surface of the cabinets will help to rough up the surface and create a better bond for the paint to adhere to.
This can help to improve the durability and longevity of the paint job.
If you do decide to paint your cabinets without sanding, be sure to clean them thoroughly to remove any dirt or grease that could prevent the paint from adhering properly.
You may also want to use a deglosser or a sanding sponge to lightly scuff up the surface of the cabinets to help the paint adhere better.
FAQ’s of How to spray paint kitchen cabinet
Summary of How to spray paint kitchen cabinet
We hope that you enjoyed our short Guide on how to paint kitchen cabinets. If you’re looking for the best paint for kitchen cabinets, we recommend using the best latex paint for cabinets.
We hope that with this information you’ll be able to give your kitchen a fresh look in no time!
If you need any other information or have any questions about painting kitchen cabinets, please feel free to contact us anytime here in the comments section.

Matthew Edward is a professional painter who loves to paint and wants to share useful tips and tricks which he had learned in many years of experience in painting. He also used many products that can be used for painting he has tried and tested each and every product to give an unbias opinion about it in his review. This blog is very useful for those newbies who want to learn painting without making mistakes.